Event Details
Kimball Electronics Corporate 2024 Health Screening
About This Event
- Event Type:Private
- Max Capacity:4
Who is it for?
All Insured and Non-Insured Employees, All Insured and Non-Insured Spouses
Do I need to fast?
Yes—12 hours. Take medication as prescribed. (We will schedule individuals with diabetes early if requested.)
What does it cost?
The cost of the basic screening, PSA for men, Colon kits, CBC, and A1C will be paid by the company for all insured employees and insured spouses. Employees and spouses without Kimball insurance coverage can take advantage of the basic screening for $45 and must pay the day of the screening. All non-insured persons wanting the PSA, TSH, CBC, A1C, or Colon cancer kits must pay the day of the screening.
Event Coordinator
- Price: Free
- Registration Instructions: Online